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Market Report May 12th 2021

Brussel Sprouts

Fresh market update: Wednesday 12th of May - Tuesday 18th of May 2021

Market News

The weather is still affecting certain lines of fruit and veg as cold snaps hit Victoria and the East Coast. There is still a slight gap as we cross over from produce coming out of the Southern States as we see seasons finishing and the Northern States crops hit the market. Supply and price should settle down once supply from the north is in full swing.

What's in season? May

Produce Update

Imperial Mandarins

Queensland Imperial Mandarins are great quality and excellent value. New season Aussie Navels have started with USA produce now finished. Ruby and Marsh (yellow) Grapefruit are in good supply. Limes are light on this week but still good value and lemons remain consistently good value and quality, pick some up this week while they're on special. Finger limes are also available. Cumquats are available but limited.

Orange Candy

Orange Candy is a new Aussie grown super sweet melon, crisp like a nashi pear, full of flavour and refreshingly juicy. When the smooth skinned variety turns bright yellow, it is ripe for the picking. Candy Melons are plentiful at the moment and excellent value.

Honeydews are tightening up in supply but still reasonable value. New season North Queensland rockmelons have hit the market and Watermelons are in steady supply.

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg supply out of Queensland are slowly increasing which should see much better value from next week. Local cos supplies are available again which is bringing the price back down. Butter Lettuce is very limited and very hard to get our hands on, however other Hydro varieties are a bit better this week. Baby Spinach from Victoria is light on supply and both varieties of Witlof remain very scarce from South Australia.


Strawberry supply out of Victoria is much better this week and prices are coming down slightly. Blueberries remain scarce and pricey, whilst raspberries are good quality and value; blackberries are great quality but a bit higher in price.


Basil stocks are very low with local growers slowing up quickly and Queensland supplies not coming in fast enough to compensate, prices are high. Coriander prices have come back a bit and continental parsley is improving slowly.Thai basil is very light and prices are up considerably.

This Week's Top Pick

Brussel Sprouts

This week’s top pick is nutrient-loaded Brussels sprouts from Victoria. Brussels sprouts are one of those veggies that you either love or hate, and we love them! For a quick side dish, roast them with chilli garlic oil until crisp and golden, which will leave a sweet and spicy caramelised flavour. Look for smaller-sized, firm sprouts with tightly packed leaves and vibrant, green colour.

Simply Tasty News

We’re beginning this new season with a delicious winter menu offering something for every taste and appetite. True to Simply Tasty, this menu is authentic, flavourful and convenient.

From our family to yours.

Visit our website to explore the full range.

Winter range

Weekly Specials

Available until Tuesday April 18th, 2021.

Produce Price

Carrots 1kg

$0.75 each

Butternut Pumpkin

$0.65 per kg


$2.40 per kg


$1.80 per kg

Eggs 600g Caged (15 doz)

$29.00 per ctn

Online ordering now available. Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this report, prices and supply can change due to market fluctuations and availability.