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Market Report August 4 2021


Fresh market update: Wednesday 4th August - Tuesday 10th August 2021

Market News

Produce Update

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg prices are easing this week, although still higher than normal. Please be mindful that shredded lettuce is now short in the market so you may be better off going back to buying single lettuce or the option of cos midi lettuce is still available and a lot cheaper!

Australian Grape Season has now officially come to an end with the last lot of red grapes coming into the market this week and green grapes finishing a few weeks ago. Please be mindful that prices are high to reflect the end of season.

Believe it or not we are seeing the first lot of Kensington Pride Mangoes hitting the market due to the early start of the season in Darwin! The flavours are great but remember it’s still early days, so be prepared to pay a premium price.

Look out for Daikon this week, which is also known as white radish. Grown in Gatton, Daikon is popular in Asia, where it is used in salads, pickles, and stir-frys. Try it shredded in coleslaw or use chucks to make a clear flavourful soup.
Compared to other radishes, daikon is milder in flavour and less peppery. When served raw, it's mild and tangy, with a crisp and juicy texture. When cooked, it has a concentrated sweet flavour similar to cooked turnips

This week’s hero is beautiful, bright Oranges from Victoria. Oranges are in their prime in winter and we currently have plentiful supplies of blood oranges, Cara Cara navels and Valencias. While Cara Cara is pink-fleshed, sweet and seedless, Valencia is juicy, contains few seeds and is known as ‘King of Juice Oranges’. Blood oranges on the other hand boast a tangy raspberry-citrus flavour with a deep ruby flesh and red-tinged skin. Oranges pair remarkably well with almonds, chocolate, apple, blueberry, and fennel. Choose firm, glossy fruit that feels heavy for its size; the bright orange colour is not a sure guide to quality. Oranges are best kept at room temperature, but if you’re not going to eat them in a day, store them in the fridge.

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Weekly Specials

Available until Tuesday August 10th, 2021.

Produce Price

Jap Pumpkin

$0.95 per kg

Seedless Watermelon

$1.00 per kg

Daisy Mandarins

$12.25 per kg

Green Capsicums

$3.25 per kg

Online ordering now available. Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this report, prices and supply can change due to market fluctuations and availability.